Yoga Go is a yoga-on-the-go app that features yoga anytime & anywhere! Use furniture, any surface, & even your own bedroom wall — to de-stress, find your center, and build your core. Perfect for the busy health enthusiast that is constantly on the move!
+ Product Design
+ Animation
+ Interactive Experience Design
+ Product Design
+ Animation
+ Interactive Experience Design
We started with research.
Who uses fitness apps? Why? What do they like about them? What do they dislike? Features what they like to see improved?
From this, what did we find?
"The sign up and tracking process is too much, I just want to exercise." — Sydney, the persona

The Persona
Who is Sydney?
Sydney is a 37 year old aircraft mechanic who loves going out with friends and having a busy social life. Sydney has a great job, but some days has to stay late. She needs a no hassle app that allows her to work out anytime anywhere on a whim!
Market Research came next.
What other apps are doing for their on boarding process? What's working for those apps? What's not?
A couple things to know:
The on boarding process had too many unnecessary screens.
Images were mistaken as buttons.
And so, a new user flow was born...

I'm here, we built 2 wireframes. Two user path variations for prototype testing.

An interesting note.
After testing before both UI paths completely, we reverted back to the second reference move along the process even more. Path 1 was chosen originally — but after testing – we found that having more information on the page, or more options made the process quicker.
The design.

YogaGo is wellness for the mind and body, as app features the fitness aspect of yoga as well as strengthens the spiritual & mental muscles.
Throwing in a animation of splash screen, to feel the zen...

Illustration of yoga poses.

To begin, go to select routine button, then select your customized workout options. A brief quote will appear while routine is loading to inspire the user.

Create Personalized Fitness Plans.
Customize instructor along with preferred music.

Other functions include the special gyro-balance. A function that uses the gyroscope in your phone to measure balance, poise, and strength.

Prototype walkthrough (no audio)
Because no-one ever said "Yoga sucked today".