'GODMODE' is a quarterly digital student project publication created to enlighten & inform. Our readers seek spiritual guidance and thus, transcend into the metaphysical world. The magazine is complimented with sound, motion and unique user interactions.
Concept: Empower people through knowledge.
Strategy: Controversial and conscious topics for those who seek truth.
+ Branding
+ Tablet App Design
+ Motion Graphics
+ Tablet App Design
+ Motion Graphics

'GodMode' Alternative Covers
Albinos were highlightned on covers to depict human sensitivity. Albinos are believed to have magical properties in places like Tanzania and sub-Saharan Africa. The designs are moving or vibrating their auras.

Table of Contents
Bars are shown throughout design to represent the "binders" that are over the eyes of society.
'Where's Your Antenna?'
Feature Article

The side navigation has a painted design color to match the issue. Like many African cultures they believe being marked or "painted" is a sign of their identity.
Interactive elements are placed within articles to allow user to learn more within the article.

Letter from the Editor

"Is Your Stomach a Grave?' Wellness & Diet Feature

'Shaman Spotlight'
Feature Article
Here I use design elements from Zulu culture to empathize the symbolism in being guided by ancestors to achieve enlightenment.

'Ascension Astrology' Horoscope Feature Article
Hexagons (or DNA symbols )play an important here as the magazine is dedicated to enhancing life essence.

Explore an Outer-worldly 'Dimension'
Feature Article

Stay woke.